Wedding at the ancient synagogue - חתונה בבית הכנסת העתיק
שליד בית הכנסת העתיק בעין-גדי, נישאה לשמוליק, בחיר-לבה, על רצפת
בית-הכנסת שליד סוכתה. החתונה היתה עליזה. רבים מחבריה של מיכל
הם מוסיקאים, ולא היה צורך במוסיקה מוקלטת. שירה, ריקודים וצחוקים
!עד אור הבוקר. שיהיה במזל טוב
Michal Raz grew up in Ein-Gedi. Michal has studied thoroughly
the ancient and temporary crafts of the date-palm materials, and
has established the Date-Center, a museum and an activity center
near the old synagogue. Her wedding with Shmulik took place on the
mosaic floor of the synagogue and in the Date-Center nearby. Many
the ancient and temporary crafts of the date-palm materials, and
has established the Date-Center, a museum and an activity center
near the old synagogue. Her wedding with Shmulik took place on the
mosaic floor of the synagogue and in the Date-Center nearby. Many
of Michal and Shmulik's friends are musicians, so the entertainment
was original and very happy! Mazal Tov!
was original and very happy! Mazal Tov!
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